Tuesday, July 18, 2023

NDHSD Chapter 15

Read/NDHSD/Chapter 15

Table of Contents

            ◎ Happy 15th Day: Raising a Dog and Buying Cat Litter ◎

This is a rather awkward situation.

During the early stages of the apocalypse, Jiang Muyun stayed at the rescue point.

Due to the drought and water scarcity, the rescue points had makeshift dry toilets.

Later, amidst the chaos, the rescue point was gone, and the population drastically decreased. Much of the land on Blue Star turned into sandy terrain, and most people would find an uninhabited area and simply bury their waste with sand.

If one lived in an official base, they would specifically collect this "organic fertilizer" and exchange it with the authorities for points.

But she’s no longer at the rescue point!

Jiang Muyun only thought about plugging up the toilet and forgot about how she would solve her own physiological needs afterward.

After thinking for a while, besides using plastic bags, the most reliable option seemed to be cat litter.

The next day, Jiang Muyun went out with Little White, and when she returned, she was carrying two bags of cat litter.

In reality, she had casually bought those two bags of cat litter on her way back. What she had in her space were hundreds of bags of bentonite, one of the raw materials for making cat litter, which was much cheaper.

Along with the bentonite, she had also sent a considerable amount of coco coir bricks and nutrient soil to the warehouse.

Jiang Muyun had quite a lot of soil stored in her space. She bought the coco coir bricks and nutrient soil mainly because she was afraid that the randomly scraped soil wouldn't have enough nutrients, wasting the seeds for no reason.

The nutrient soil factory was right next to the bentonite factory, and the two managers were quite familiar with each other. Seeing her interest in the nutrient soil, they mentioned that if she wanted to buy it, they could deliver it together with the bentonite at a wholesale price, even for a small quantity.

Seeing that there was still some space on the delivery truck, Jiang Muyun bought some in order to save on transportation costs.

After storing all the different types of soil in her space, Jiang Muyun had to continue her trips to pick up deliveries and wait for the manufacturers to deliver.

Today, many deliveries had arrived, including the ones she had ordered from the plastic factory.

Jiang Muyun looked at the specially customized extra-large water storage tank and the mountain of bottled water in her space, feeling that she had plenty of work to do.

Calculating the time, Jiang Muyun shrugged her shoulders and decided to take Little White home.

Let's talk about it later; there's still time.

Her unique style of holding a dog with one hand and carrying cat litter with the other was quite stylish, complemented by the cute cat head printed on the cat litter packaging, which made her particularly pleased with the effect. Even the neighbors who were also walking their dogs couldn't help but advise her that dogs really can't use cat litter.

When Jiang Muyun arrived home, Qin Shiwen happened to be holding a garbage bag, preparing to go downstairs to throw it away.

Seeing Little White, Qin Shiwen squatted there and stared at it for a long time. Seeing that Little White felt embarrassed and lowered its head, Qin Shiwen finally stood up slowly.

Jiang Muyun placed the cat litter down and took out her keys to open the door. "What are you looking at? Jealous because it's cuter than you?"

Qin Shiwen sneered. "Was I looking at it? I was looking at you. Do you understand?"

Jiang Muyun asked, "So, Doctor, what did you diagnose?"

Qin Shiwen replied, “I've diagnosed that you have an eye condition, you're raising dogs and buying cat litter. You're truly crazy about trying to save trouble."

Qin Shiwen felt that Jiang Muyun didn't want to face excrement directly, which was why she bought cat litter for the dog.

Jiang Muyun became unhappy. "Can't you understand the concept of having both a cat and a dog? I already have a dog, and I'm preparing to get a cat. What's wrong with that?"

Qin Shiwen nodded. "There's nothing wrong, but there are no stray cats in our neighborhood. Do you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Muyun had a big question mark on her small head.

Jiang Muyun asked, "Can't I buy a purebred cat?"

Qin Shiwen immediately replied, "You must buy one. Buy it tomorrow. If you don't, I'll look down on you."

They had grown up together. Who didn't know who?

Picking up a stray cat or dog from the street was one thing, but spending several thousand yuan to buy one, in their opinion, was too extravagant. That was something they would only shout about when watching pet videos.

Jiang Muyun became angry and embarrassed. "Little White, let's go. We won't play with the mean sister!"

Upon hearing Jiang Muyun's call, Little White immediately rushed over, giving her face.

With Qin Shiwen's laughter echoing behind her, Jiang Muyun closed the door. Both of them felt like they had won.

Once inside, Jiang Muyun removed Little White's leash and began trying to teach it how to use the cat litter.

When she went to buy cat litter, she heard the shop owner say that the reason cats can use it while dogs can't is because cats have a habit of burying their excrement. Since birth, adult cats teach their kittens this behavior, but dogs don't.

If you insist on using cat litter for dogs, they will likely dig and scatter it everywhere.

Jiang Muyun glanced at the little dog she was holding and thought that the dog she rescued had good adaptability, and it was not too late to start teaching it now.

Although Little White had been a stray, it was very polite.

Whenever it needed to relieve itself, it would circle around Jiang Muyun a few times, waiting for her to point in a direction, and then rush over to do its business.

Now, it still showed the intention of emptying its stomach, but its owner directed it to a strange corner.

When Little White stepped into the litter box, it felt a little uncomfortable with the sensation under its paws. It tilted back and forth a few times, almost falling into the litter box.

After it finished its physiological needs, Jiang Muyun picked it up and used a small shovel to bury the waste in front of it.

Jiang Muyun asked Little White, "Do you understand?"

Imitating Jiang Muyun's actions, Little White extended its front paws and carefully scraped a few times.

Jiang Muyun was very satisfied with her teaching results and said, "Very good; you're a clever baby. I'll send you to kindergarten tomorrow."

The next day, Little White didn't go to kindergarten.

Little White received several spanks on its buttocks.

Because when Jiang Muyun woke up in the morning, she found that Little White had dug the cat litter out of the litter box and scattered it all over the floor.

After tidying up the mess left by her unfortunate sister, the hardworking older sister had to go out and work as a laborer.

Meanwhile, the troublemaker sister was locked inside the house by Jiang Muyun.

Before leaving, Jiang Muyun sternly ordered Little White to reflect on its behavior, and Little White hung its head sadly, whimpering.

Today, Jiang Muyun not only had to wait at the warehouse for the delivery but also had to take the opportunity when no one was around to close the warehouse door and work hard on transferring the water.

She had to return the barrels, so she had to open them through the regular bottle opening and then hold them with her hands, patiently waiting for the water to slowly pour out of that small opening. Occasionally, she had to shake them a bit to facilitate the water flow.

That's nearly a thousand barrels!

After pouring about ten barrels, she became impatient, but she couldn't just cut open the barrels.

Jiang Muyun thought for a while and took out a roll of plastic rope from her space. She looped it around the protruding parts at both ends of the bucket, tied a knot, and made a simple handle.

This way, she could hold the handle and turn the bucket upside down.

Jiang Muyun found a shelf that had been given to her by the pig farm in her space, cleaned it several times, hung the barrels of water on it one by one, and placed the storage tank underneath to collect the water.

This way, she only needed to be responsible for replacing the barrels without having to carry them all the time.

It took her a whole morning, but she successfully transferred all the water from the barrels to the storage tank. It was just in time for lunch, so she changed into similar attire as before and called the two masters she had previously met.

The two masters were very enthusiastic and addressed Jiang Muyun as "niece." They even said that the method she taught them last time was very effective, and their relationship with their children had improved a lot.

Jiang Muyun had a meal with the two masters, and when the water barrels were returned to the water station, she also received over fifty thousand yuan.

Before leaving, Jiang Muyun gave the two masters the two bottles of wine she bought last time, and without waiting for their refusal, she quickly drove away.

Before she left, she didn't forget to shout, "Don't drink while working!"

For the next few days, Jiang Muyun followed this routine almost all the time.

Running to the warehouse—-receiving goods—-storing them in the space—-running back to the warehouse, repeating the cycle.

Jiang Muyun had been running back and forth for several days, finally getting most of the goods she had previously ordered, and she successfully bought half the warehouse's worth of smokeless coal. Now, she was only waiting for the custom-made windows, which she hadn't received any news about yet.


Z's corner:

Wholesome uncles, hope they survive the apocalypse.
On another note, is it even possible to potty train a dog? If not then Little White got a spanking for nothing.
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Table of Contents




  1. Thanks for the chapter!

    1. Ayy, thanks for reading (˵ ͡~U ͡°˵)━☆゚.*・。゚
