Tuesday, July 18, 2023

NDHSD Chapter 14

Read/NDHSD/Chapter 14

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            ◎ Happy 14th Day: Little White: Escaping a Disaster

Jiang Muyun is a woman with a heart of stone.

Her heart is colder than the fish knife that has been killing fish in the supermarket for ten years.

So Jiang Muyun glanced at the little black dog coldly for a moment, then turned around and prepared to leave.

Just as Jiang Muyun was about to climb up the embankment, she felt a tug on her pants.

Jiang Muyun couldn't help but look down.

The little black dog held its head high, biting a small piece of Jiang Muyun's pants leg and whimpering softly.

Seeing that Jiang Muyun turned to look at it, the little black dog obediently released the pants leg, took two steps back, and then plopped down on the ground.

Jiang Muyun squatted down, stroking the little black dog a couple of times. It followed the force of Jiang Muyun's touch and happily wagged its tail.

Jiang Muyun asked, "Where's your mother?"

The little black dog remained silent, looking at Jiang Muyun with an innocent expression.

Jiang Muyun looked around, but there was no one in sight.

Lowering her head again to look at the little black dog, it was dirty all over, with dirt on its face, and the fur mixed with mud on its paws formed clumps that concealed the color of the paw pads.

It doesn't seem to be domesticated.

Jiang Muyun pondered for two seconds. "Do you want to come with me?"

The little black dog crawled up and rubbed its head against Jiang Muyun's hand, its whole body swaying along with its wagging tail.

Jiang Muyun picked off some grass debris from its head. "Since you're not saying anything, I'll take it as your consent."

Using one hand, Jiang Muyun lifted it up, and with a push of her foot, she climbed up the embankment.

She took out an empty cardboard box from her space and placed it on the passenger seat. Jiang Muyun put the little black dog into the box, patting its head gently. "Stay here for a while. Sister will take you to the hospital. Don't you get car sick."

The little black dog sat in the cardboard box, wagging its tail. Jiang Muyun nodded. "Looks like you won't get car sick."

Then she slammed the car door shut, turned around, and got into the driver's seat.

It's no use getting sick, she doesn't have any motion sickness medication for dogs in her hand.

Jiang Muyun stepped on the gas pedal, and the little black dog scratched and scratched inside the box.

The scratching noise bothered Jiang Muyun, so she reached out to touch it whenever she had a chance.

The little black dog sniffed the familiar scent and gradually quieted down.

However, not long after Jiang Muyun withdrew her hand, the scratching sound came again, accompanied by a snapping sound this time.

Jiang Muyun turned to look at it and found that the box had a gap bitten by the little black dog.

Its round head rested on the gap, motionless, staring at her. The scratching sound stopped as well.

Jiang Muyun turned her head back to the road, expressing her satisfaction, and praised, "Be good, just stay like that. Don't make a fuss, or else we both will be in trouble."

The little black dog snorted twice, and Jiang Muyun assumed it agreed.

With this unexpected incident, Jiang Muyun directly turned onto the national highway, found a pet hospital, and took the little black dog in for a bath, examination, and vaccination.

While registering at the hospital reception, the nurse asked, "This little one seems to be a stray, right? Does it have a name? Let me register it."

Jiang Muyun and the little black dog glanced at each other.

She wasn't good at naming, but it seemed like the little black dog didn't have any preferences either.

Jiang Muyun thought for a moment. Calling it Little Black seemed half-hearted; at the very least, this little thing needs to call her "Sister."


Jiang Muyun: "Call it Little White."

Upon hearing this, the nurse raised her head, looked at the dog, then at Jiang Muyun. Jiang Muyun confidently said, "The color, you know, white."

Nurse: …okay.

Little White is a girl, a bit malnourished, but quite cute after being cleaned up.

However, the veterinarian mentioned that it had numerous small injuries on its paws, and its fur was completely tangled with mud. Therefore, they had to shave all four paws for now.

Jiang Muyun had never raised a pet before, so she didn't know what to prepare. She could only follow the veterinarian’s advice and bought various nutritional supplements at the pet hospital. She also coaxed the nurse, getting a list of pet supplies from her.

Before leaving, Jiang Muyun looked at Little White, who was happily playing in the pet carrier. She asked the veterinarian, "Does it need to be sterilized?"

The veterinarian was taken aback for a moment, then realized, "If you want to sterilize a female dog, it's possible, but it's too young now. We usually recommend doing it after thy’re one year old."

Jiang Muyun felt regretful.

By the time it turned one year old, there might not be any pet hospitals left in the world.

Jiang Muyun reached out and rubbed Little White's black head a few times. "Then you have to stay strong."

Don't get fooled by those wild men out there.

Surviving in a post-apocalyptic world was already difficult enough. If it had offspring from some wild dog, Jiang Muyun didn't know if it would have the luck to survive.

Jiang Muyun held Little White and went to the nearby pet store to purchase all the items on the list. She put most of the pet supplies, along with the car, into her space, leaving only some lightweight items that she carried in her hands, walking back home.

Little White snuggled in Jiang Muyun's arms, resting its front paws on her arm, curiously observing the outside world with its wide eyes.

Don't underestimate it, this cute, well-behaved appearance can be quite intimidating. Many children in the neighborhood can't take their eyes off it when they see it.

There were quite a few people waiting for the elevator at this hour. Jiang Muyun asked a couple of questions, and seeing that no one was afraid of the dog, she took Little White onto the elevator.

A little girl in a small dress talked to Little White for a while, but Little White ignored her and instead looked up at Jiang Muyun. In a sweet and milky voice, the girl asked, "Big sister, does Little White eat candy? If I give it candy, will it be my friend?"

Jiang Muyun pretended to be cute to coax the child, "No, it can't. It already had one candy today, and eating more will ruin its teeth."

The little girl was extremely disappointed and said, "Little White is so pitiful. Tangtang can eat two candies every day.”

Tangtang held a candy in each hand and raised them up to show Jiang Muyun.

The candies had a unique shape and were a signature fruit candy from a well-known brand. 

However, someone had cut them in half, so there was only half a candy wrapped in shiny plastic in each wrapper.

Tangtang's mother blinked at Jiang Muyun and happily said, "From today onwards, Tangtang will also only have one candy a day, so Little White won't be pitiful."

Upon hearing this, Tangtang unconsciously opened her mouth wide, disbelief written all over her face with tears welling up in her eyes. She said, "Will Tangtang have less candy? Can't we give Little White one more candy?"

Jiang Muyun consciously joined the ranks of adults and said, "Of course, Tangtang can give one candy to Little White every day. How about that?"

Tangtang was stunned by the cruel reality, while the hateful adults burst into laughter.

Jiang Muyun entered her home with Little White and, considering the recent high temperatures, placed its bed near her bedroom door.

Since there was no air conditioning in the living room, Jiang Muyun would habitually leave the door open when the air conditioner was on during the day, and then close it when the temperature dropped at night.

Little White seemed to know it had arrived home and started frolicking around the house as soon as Jiang Muyun set up its bed and food bowl.

It had been a while since Jiang Muyun had seen such a lively creature, not since the time she encountered a pack of wolves that considered her potential food.

Jiang Muyun squatted beside Little White's bed and poured dog food into its bowl. Without her even needing to call, Little White came over on its own.

Jiang Muyun's hand trembled as Little White nudged its fluffy head against her, and the dog food spilled out, filling up the large bowl.

She didn't even need to measure it; she knew it exceeded the recommended food amount for a puppy given by the veterinarian.

Jiang Muyun glanced at the opened bag and, in the end, didn't pour back the excess food.

Dogs were not fish, after all. They should be able to know if they were full or not, right?

Then Jiang Muyun helplessly watched as Little White finished the entire bowl of food.

Little White drank some water after eating and then rubbed against Jiang Muyun's arms.

Jiang Muyun picked it up, rubbed its belly, and felt that it didn't seem too bloated.

Where did all the food it ate go in such a small body?

After Little White had eaten its fill and drank enough, it happily rolled around on Jiang Muyun's lap. Jiang Muyun held it close, nestled on the sofa, and after thinking for a moment, she deleted the dog food from her shopping cart.

After the apocalypse, it would be a time to see who had a stronger will to survive. Just in case she made it too pampered, Jiang Muyun was afraid Little White wouldn't survive beyond its second year in the post-apocalyptic world.

Jiang Muyun gently stroked Little White's fur, but in her heart, she cruelly said: Baby, your luxurious days are numbered. After that, you'll have to make do with what I, your big sister, can provide for you.

For now, the dog supplies were enough. Jiang Muyun flipped around the sofa twice and decided to buy some cat supplies as well.


Z's corner:

A cute sidekick! UwU I wonder if she'll mutate later?

And hahaha, I missed an update 2 days ago. But don't worry, I'll post twice today to make up for it.
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