Wednesday, June 21, 2023

NDHSD Chapter 2

Read/NDHSD/Chapter 2

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            ◎ Happy 2nd Day: Give Me a Few Boxes. ◎

Jiang Muyun discovered her own space in the sixth year of the apocalypse.

At that time, she unexpectedly encountered a group of ogres and had a piece of her scalp sliced off by them.

This space is very spacious, and Jiang Muyun can feel that it has boundaries, but she cannot figure out where exactly those boundaries are as she explores it.

In her previous life, when she was bored, she would fill the space with sand, but even until the day she died, she couldn't fill the space completely.

The time inside seems to be frozen. When she throws a killed prey inside for three days and then takes it out, the blood remains warm as if no time has passed.

The only drawback is that she can't fit living animals inside, but plants with soil attached to their roots can be stuffed into the space.

It is thanks to this space that she has the opportunity to store supplies, so she doesn't have to immediately consume the food and water she finds. This prevents them from spoiling or being stolen by others.

Unfortunately, at that time, the climate had become extremely harsh. Apart from the tattered layers of winter clothing she wore, there wasn't much else for her to store.

At most, she could store some water after floods, let it freeze into ice during the extreme cold, and then find a cave to quietly use it in the summer.

But now it is not a devastated post-apocalyptic world!

She has enough time to fill the space with supplies that she wouldn't have dared to imagine in her previous life!

The warehouse manager collected the rent and took down the iron padlock from the warehouse door, handing the chain to Jiang Muyun. "You can get your own lock for the warehouse; we won't be involved in that. When the rental period is over, just take the lock with you.”

After speaking, the warehouse manager glanced at Jiang Muyun and continued with a hint of concern, "This place is a bit remote, and the surveillance cameras just broke. It'll take a couple of days to fix them. As a young girl, you shouldn't stay here alone to watch over the goods. If anything happens, we won't be responsible."

Jiang Muyun thought to herself, the so-called surveillance cameras are just plastic casings. Even after two years, they might not be fixed. But she’s interested in this place precisely because of that. It's one of the reasons she chose it.

Jiang Muyun smiled sincerely and said, "Don't worry, Uncle. I'm a college student, and I'll be heading back to school soon. This warehouse is for my second uncle's use, and I'm just here to help him out. I plan to give him a good scolding later."

The manager breathed a sigh of relief and didn't ask any further questions. He turned around, got into his small van, and drove away.

Jiang Muyun opened the doors and windows of the warehouse to let fresh air in. Then she carried her luggage and walked for about ten minutes until she found a convenience store.

Jiang Muyun bought a cup of instant noodles and asked the shopkeeper for some hot water.

"Are you here alone, young lady? What brings you here?" The shopkeeper asked while pouring water for Jiang Muyun.

Jiang Muyun didn't feel shy at all and replied, "Auntie, don't even mention it. My family is planning to do business down south, and we wanted to test the waters by engaging in some small trading. Since the adults at home couldn't come right away, they sent me ahead to rent a warehouse."

The auntie didn't show any surprise after hearing it.

Here, close to the village, the land is cheap and the rent is even cheaper. They have built several warehouses to rent out, which are quite popular among small businesses.

"What about all this?" The auntie gestured towards Jiang Muyun's bundled luggage and boxes, curious about what she was carrying.

Jiang Muyun lifted the lid of the instant noodles and glanced at them, not missing a beat in her response. "I'm still a student, studying at our local university. I have to go back to school in a couple of days."

As the instant noodles were almost done, a strong and fragrant aroma wafted into Jiang Muyun's nose.

The auntie smiled and said, "I thought you looked like a student. So, you're actually a top student."

Jiang Muyun took a big slurp and let out a satisfied sigh.

The auntie found Jiang Muyun's way of eating noodles oddly cute and appreciated her friendly and open demeanor, so she wanted to have a little chat with her.

Jiang Muyun has always been an outgoing person, but in her previous life, she never dared to form deep connections with others. It had been so long since she had engaged in casual conversation with someone, so once she started talking, it became quite difficult for her to stop.

An hour later, Jiang Muyun had gathered a wealth of information from her conversation with the auntie. She learned about the prices of various rice, flour, and fruits in the local area. She also discovered which restaurant offered the best value for money, how to contact the most reliable truck drivers for transportation, where the most accomplished daughter in the neighborhood attended school, and when the most handsome young man would be free… 

As she was about to leave, the old lady insisted on giving Jiang Muyun two sticks of starch sausage.

Jiang Muyun peeled back the casing and took a bite of the starch sausage. She savored the flavor with contentment, then carried her luggage and checked into a nearby guest house.

Sitting on a worn-out chair, Jiang Muyun rummaged through her luggage and pulled out some paper and a pen.

Now she needed to calculate her available funds and then, based on her financial situation, compile a suitable inventory list.

Jiang Muyun's adoptive father was a retired veteran who had lived a frugal life. The most extravagant thing he ever did was to adopt Jiang Muyun when he was already of age and no one else was willing to adopt her.

Although they were officially father and daughter, in reality, they were more like grandfather and granddaughter. Jiang Muyun had always addressed her adoptive father as "grandfather".

After her adoptive father passed away in her previous life, Jiang Muyun was emotionally on the verge of collapse. She took it upon herself to handle all the necessary arrangements and funeral matters, but afterward, she lived in a daze, completely neglecting her financial situation.

It was only when the apocalypse struck and chaos ensued that Jiang Muyun finally snapped out of her daze and thoroughly roused up.

Unfortunately, there was no use for "money" at that time.

So, as for how much money Jiang Muyun currently has, she really has no idea.

Jiang Muyun opened the online banking page to check her account balance.

The things related to her previous life and her grandfather were left behind in their home in the South City. However, with the arrival of the apocalypse, everything disappeared without a trace.

This was the first time that Jiang Muyun directly confronted the fact that her grandfather was no longer with her.

Perhaps it was the passage of time, or perhaps it was the relief that her grandfather didn't have to suffer through the apocalypse, but Jiang Muyun's mood remained relatively calm.

But as Jiang Muyun finished looking at the balance in her bank account, she started feeling less calm.

Didn't her grandfather say that during his lifetime he was just a regular soldier and only managed to become a lieutenant after retiring? How did he manage to accumulate over two million and eight hundred thousand in the bank account?

Can not having children really lead to wealth?

Jiang Muyun opened a shopping app and repeatedly confirmed the purchasing power of over two million yuan. She began to suspect that her grandfather might have left her some kind of inheritance.

For example, perhaps her ancestors had some sort of mystical lineage, like the "Half Immortal Jiang”.

Before he left, her grandfather told her, "My dear, you should live a good life from now on." This is what he meant?

Jiang Muyun, holding a piece of starch sausage, first transferred this sum of money in batches to XX Wallet and YY Wallet for higher interest rates.

Even a mosquito's meat is meat, right? She can earn one or two hundred a day.

That way, her plans can be more daring.

The next day, Jiang Muyun paid for another day's stay at the guest house and left her luggage there. She headed to the wholesale market that the auntie had mentioned the day before.

When it comes to buying necessities like firewood, rice, oil, and salt, following the local housewives is a foolproof way to go!

Jiang Muyun arrived quite early, and the spice shop was bustling with calls to load the goods.

Barrels of oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar were being moved around, with various sauces and spices packed in between. It seemed like they were being prepared for delivery to several small supermarkets, indicating a considerable volume of goods.

These small supermarkets are usually operated by local residents and rely on repeat customers. To be able to engage in such business, at the very least, this particular store must maintain a level of quality that meets or exceeds the average standard.

The store's reputation and integrity are one aspect, but the most important thing is that the business is good, so the store will generally not have old inventory.

Jiang Muyun is a new face, and she is buying a large quantity of items, so it is not possible to individually inspect the quality of each product. Therefore, choosing a good store is still very important.

Jiang Muyun watched for a while on the side until several trucks finished loading before approaching the owner and starting a conversation, "Business seems to be booming, boss."

Business owners always love to hear such words, as they serve as both a compliment and a blessing. The owner's face lit up with a smile and responded, "Oh, not at all. It's all thanks to our regular customer."

Jiang Muyun wasted no time and got straight to the point, "Boss, how much are your items here? If I buy a certain amount, could you help with the delivery?"

The boss reached out and pulled out a price list from a pile of goods, "Wholesale and retail prices are listed here. We don't offer delivery for retail purchases, but if your order exceeds fifty thousand, we'll provide delivery to West City and its surrounding areas."

Jiang Muyun took the price list but skipped over the cooking oil section without looking.

Just like rice and flour, she can directly purchase cooking oil from the local village.

It’s the end of August, shortly after the harvest of early rice in X province. Instead of buying intermediary products from a grain and oil store, it's better to go directly to the village, negotiate a slightly higher price, and intercept the supplies from the store.

Anyway, she doesn't do this every day, and the quantity she needs is too much for the grain and oil store.

She can buy cheap and high-quality new grains, and the villagers are also happy to make some extra money. It's a win-win situation.

Jiang Muyun glanced around and compared the prices mentioned by the small convenience store aunt yesterday with the wholesale prices she had looked up online. It was indeed cheaper.

Jiang Muyun opened her mouth and said, "Then please deliver it to No. 32, X Village. My family is planning to start a small business, and since your prices are affordable, I might as well buy everything from you. Could you give me some additional discounts?"

After hearing that Jiang Muyun intended to do business here, the shop owner hesitated for a moment and said, "Alright then. If you're buying in large quantities, I'll throw in some curry blocks for you."

Not many people in this area buy curry and those who do usually opt for turmeric powder instead. The shop owner had been deceived into purchasing a large quantity of curry blocks previously and was now struggling to sell them. Instead of letting them sit and gather dust, he decided to use them as a gesture of goodwill.

Jiang Muyun glanced at the curry blocks, which were common brands found in supermarkets. The retail price was not cheap, and the expiration dates indicated they were still fresh. The shop owner's gesture of offering them as a bonus seemed sincere and genuine.

Jiang Muyun nodded and, while holding the price list, began to list the items she wanted to purchase.


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