Wednesday, June 21, 2023

NDHSD Chapter 1

 Read/NDHSD/Chapter 1

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            ◎Happy 1st Day: Reborn.◎

Where's my knife?

Jiang Muyun groped under her body with her hands.

She remembered that her arm had just been twisted and broken, and the kitchen knife in her grasp had also been plunged into her back.

The kitchen knife wasn’t sharp; it was almost forced into her body.

It hurts.

But Jiang Muyun didn't care.

Everywhere on her body hurts, but not this one.

In the first year of the apocalypse, Jiang Muyun would cry for two hours because a piece of flesh was cut off.

In the second year of the apocalypse, when Jiang Muyun discovered that her arm had been scratched, the flesh and blood had already stuck tightly to her clothes.

By the fifth year of the apocalypse, Jiang Muyun would have taken out her treasured needle and thread, sewed up her wounds, and sung a song to comfort herself—using a precious thin cotton thread.

Now is the tenth year of the apocalypse, so Jiang Muyun doesn't care if her hand is broken or not.

As long as she is not dead and her hands can still move, she will pull the knife from her body and stab all the creatures that want her life!

So, where’s my knife?

Jiang Muyun fumbled for a long time but found nothing.

Not only did she not feel her knife, but she also found that something was wrong.

No, something is very wrong!

Jiang Muyun subconsciously rolled over and jumped up, assuming a posture suitable for attacking.


Jiang Muyun nimbly climbed over the bedside guardrail and hit her head on the tiled floor of the dormitory.

Jiang Muyun touched her forehead and looked at her hands, feeling a little dazed for a while.

These hands are fair and slender; the nails are rounded and clean, colored a healthy pink, and there is a writer's callus on the knuckle of her right hand’s middle finger.

 Familiar and strange.

 Same as her surroundings.

Jiang Muyun looked around again.

It's a four-person dormitory with bunk beds and desks underneath. On the desks of the other three people, there are thick stacks of books piled up. Scattered personal belongings are placed in the corners, most of which are still unopened.

West University dormitory. In her previous life, she only lived here for less than two months.

Sitting cross-legged on the cold tiled floor, Jiang Muyun stared at her phone for a while in a daze.

I’m back.

She could hardly contain her laughter at the thought of these two words.

It is August 20, 2023, the day before the military training of China’s West University.

Due to the passing of her adoptive father, Jiang Muyun had delayed her arrival at school. Before she could emerge from that shadow and become familiar with her roommates, the apocalypse arrived for Blue Star.

Jiang Muyun followed this thread and slowly tore open her memories.

Now, there was only her in the dormitory, as her roommates had gone to have lunch. They would then enter with laughter and ask if she needed any help.

At that time, Jiang Muyun was somewhat introverted, and without thinking, she rejected their kindness.

And then... and then, a month later, a gust of wind blew from the skies over the Arctic Ocean, bringing an unprecedented drop in temperature worldwide and kicking off the beginning of the apocalypse on Blue Star.

Disasters followed one after another, and several of her roommates were picked up by their families as soon as the disasters struck.

Before leaving, they hid their snack box in Jiang Muyun's wardrobe when a pack of bread could sell for hundreds of yuan.

Those little snacks became her life-saving food to survive the early days of the apocalypse.

Jiang Muyun was initially forced to become a lone survivor and later chose to embrace that identity. She made great efforts to cherish her own life and struggled to survive in the apocalypse for ten years. Finally, she returned to her hometown and uttered the words, "I'm back."

And then she died at the hands of a perverted dandy.

It’s the tenth year of the apocalypse! It's crazy that someone would still attempt to violate a lone survivor!

Jiang Muyun never thought that this would be the cause of her death!

Forget it; at least she managed to take her first clean bath in ten years before her death, and she successfully stabbed the main culprit who provided the water for the bath.

Jiang Muyun reflected on the situation at that time; she felt that she had done her best, and she had also returned home. In her eyes, her death was not in vain, and she could rest in peace.

If there's anything to regret, it might be the half-finished fantasy novel tucked away in her belongings.

She held onto the first half of the book and read it for seven or eight years. Before she could find the second half of the novel, her death came.

I wonder if the Last 108 Treasures ruled the earth.

Jiang Muyun patted her ass and got up, found the counselor's phone number, and called it, saying that her current mental state was worrying and that she hoped she could apply for a break from school.

This time, if the apocalypse still comes as expected, at least she has the opportunity to prepare in advance to face this nightmare.

The counselor on the other end of the phone was aware of Jiang Muyun's situation. After hesitating for a moment, she finally swallowed her comforting words and let out a gentle sigh, "I'll take care of the matters on the school's side. Just come by later to sign the paperwork."

Jiang Muyun agreed.

After hanging up the phone, she rolled up the half-made bedding and securely tied it with a plastic rope that had been left behind by someone. She fixed it tightly to the handle of her suitcase.

Fortunately, she just arrived today, so she didn't have time to unpack her other luggage; otherwise, she would have to pack it again.

Taking a leave of absence wasn't anything out of the ordinary, and the procedures went smoothly. When Jiang Muyun went to sign the paperwork with her luggage in tow, she happened to encounter her roommates downstairs in the dormitory building.

When the others learned that she was taking a leave of absence to recuperate, they were quite surprised. However, since they were not very familiar with each other, they tactfully refrained from asking for too many details.

One of the girls with a round face pulled out a set of car keys and said, "So, are you going home right now? My car is parked at the school. It's inconvenient for you to carry so much luggage. Let me drive you. Are you from West City? Or to the station? Airport?"

The remaining two roommates also chimed in, "Yes, we're all roommates. Let's send you off together."

It seemed that they all felt like she dragged herself to school while dealing with her health issues, only to realize that it was too difficult to continue and reluctantly have to take a leave of absence.

They spoke cautiously, and they even tactfully avoided mentioning the "illness" part. They simply mentioned that she had a lot of luggage and that it would be inconvenient for her to carry it alone.

Jiang Muyun smiled and waved his hands. "No need; my family will pick me up. Thank you."

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Muyun took out her phone and said, "Let's exchange contact information. My illness isn't too serious, who knows, maybe I'll be back in a few days."

The three girls were pleased to hear her words, and they not only exchanged contact information but also added Jiang Muyun to their dormitory group chat. They expressed their hopes for her speedy recovery and return to school.

Jiang Muyun smiled and agreed, bidding farewell to the few girls she wasn't very familiar with as she waved goodbye.

After experiencing ten years of the apocalypse, Jiang Muyun felt that her moral bottom line had only remained at the level of "being human".

It would be impossible for her to go around saying that she had been reborn and warning others that the apocalypse was coming.

However, when the signs of the impending apocalypse first appear, Jiang Muyun is willing to pretend to be part of a group, exchange gossip, and encourage everyone to stock up on supplies.

After completing the leave of absence procedures, Jiang Muyun didn't immediately return home as she had initially mentioned.

Suppressing her impatience, she took several subway transfers and arrived on the outskirts of West City. There, she negotiated with someone and rented a small, secluded warehouse.

X Province, where West City is located, is known for its agricultural production. Jiang Muyun planned to directly purchase the essential staple food she needed here before returning to South City.

For a metropolis like West City, with a population in the millions, even if Jiang Muyun were to buy tens of tons of rice in one go, it would not attract anyone's attention. And even if someone did notice, she would already be thousands of miles away by then.

Considering the numerous acts of madness caused by food in her previous life, it’s understandable that Jiang Muyun would be cautious and not want to draw unnecessary attention to herself. She chose to be discreet when it came to displaying her wealth.

In the event of a famine, if she were to encounter someone who recognized her for hoarding food in the past, a mere statement of "she bought several tons of food" could be enough to incite the hungry crowd into a violent uproar. Even without evidence, desperation could easily lead people to act recklessly.

And West City is more than 1,500 kilometers away from Jiang Muyun's hometown, South City.

After the onset of the apocalypse, the distance of over 1,500 kilometers would become an insurmountable barrier.

What's more, it involves her greatest secret—her space.

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