Thursday, July 27, 2023

NDHSD Chapter 19

Read/NDHSD/Chapter 19

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            ◎ Happy 19th Day: Sustainable Development and Eggs ◎

The price of eggs provided by the farm is three yuan per catties, approximately ten eggs per catty.

This price is not much cheaper than the loose eggs at the farmers' market in South City, but it's fresher. Jiang Muyun ordered one ton.

Two thousand catties, six thousand yuan—this price is still within Jiang Muyun's affordability.

After ordering the eggs, Jiang Muyun had a sudden idea and wondered if she should buy a few fertilized eggs to try.

Her space cannot accommodate live creatures, but it can store plants that haven't completely withered. Would fertilized eggs count as live creatures?

She said she wanted to buy some fertilized eggs that could hatch, and the person in charge of the farm didn't ask her for money. They directly gave her a few and asked if she wanted a small egg incubator.

Jiang Muyun didn't know how to incubate eggs, so of course she said yes. The person in charge had someone bring an incubator.

Indeed, it's quite small, with a colorful base, a few egg slots in the middle, a transparent plastic cover on top, and two chicken wings sticking out.

This incubator looks a bit shabby, like a toy that a child would like, completely different from the precise electronic equipment Jiang Muyun imagined.

The person in charge said to just plug it in and, press the switch; she didn't need to do anything else. She can wait for the chicks to hatch.

Jiang Muyun held the thing and looked at it repeatedly, feeling somewhat familiar.

After thinking for a while, she finally remembered that this thing looks exactly like an egg cooker!

Seeing her look at it with curiosity, the person in charge smiled and said, "Take it home and have fun. It's very simple. If you find it inconvenient to raise the hatched chicks, you can bring them back to the farm, and we will take them. Many schools now encourage children to raise them. Every now and then, parents come asking about it. The factory has received quite a few."

Jiang Muyun smiled and thanked him. As soon as she got into the car, she tried to put the eggs in her space.

It worked!

Jiang Muyun looked at the floating little eggs in her space, and the sense of security they brought was even greater than buying a ton of eggs.

The farm gave her a total of six fertilized eggs. Jiang Muyun planned to keep four of them in her space and take out two to incubate outside, just to see if the fertilized eggs could successfully hatch after entering the space.

After ordering the eggs, Jiang Muyun didn't forget to go to the adjacent slaughterhouse to buy two pigs.

This was the self-reward project that she had set for herself after saving money at the food factory.

On the way back to the city, Jiang Muyun also passed by a fruit greenhouse that focused on parent-child amusement projects.

Thinking of the seedlings and seeds in her space, as well as those round fertilized eggs, Jiang Muyun had an idea.

Everything should be sustainable.

Although she bought a lot of fruits, most of them were seasonal.

Some off-season fruits were available in the wholesale market, but the prices made Jiang Muyun feel unable to afford them.

For example, the strawberries depicted on the promotional posters of this fruit greenhouse would be priced quite extravagantly in the market.

Since Jiang Muyun couldn't afford the finished products, she thought of buying seedlings. However, she didn't have the money or the need to buy a large quantity. She wanted to try negotiating with the owner of the fruit greenhouse to see if they could sell her one or two plants so she could take them home and grow them as potted plants for fun.

The owner agreed readily.

Since Jiang Muyun only wanted a small quantity and didn't seem like someone who would actually cultivate the plants, the owner agreed. In the past, there were customers who admired the attractive appearance of the fruits and took seedlings home to grow as potted plants.

The fruits here were not meant to be sold to the market but to attract customers to come and pick them as part of the amusement project.

Customers would come to pick the fruits, spend their energy, and then have to buy them to take them away. If the fruit quality wasn't good, no one would buy it.

Therefore, the owner bought expensive and high-quality seedlings and cultivated them through several generations of careful selection to ensure the best quality.

If Jiang Muyun buys a large quantity, he won't sell. What if the other party is a competitor?

However, the owner didn't expect Jiang Muyun to ask for two plants of every variety he had.

The owner chuckled and said, "I not only have this strawberry field and grape vineyard but also that patch of short forest over there. It's all mine, and there are many different types of fruits. We have grapefruits, pears, and more. Altogether, we have quite a variety of fruits. Where are you going to plant them all?"

Jiang Muyun seemed taken aback by the many options. She stood there for a while, blushing, and said embarrassedly, "Um... it's alright, just give me a little bit of each. I came here by van, so I can fit them... and if there are extras, I can give them to my relatives."

Seeing her blushing face, the owner stopped trying to convince her not to buy.

After all, it wasn't much money, and if the young girl wanted to save face, let her save face. What was the point of saying things that would be futile?

The owner considerately packed the seedlings of the same variety in plastic bags and included labels indicating what kind of seedlings they were.

In addition to the soft ones, there were also many saplings, filling up the whole van.

The owner also reminded her of various planting precautions.

Jiang Muyun put on an ignorant look, nodding to everything the owner said.

In the end, the owner said helplessly, "Nevermind, even if I tell you, you won't remember. Go back and ask your grandparents; they should know how to cultivate the plants. If not, you young people go to the Internet for everything, right? Look it up online."

Jiang Muyun quickly expressed her gratitude, saying, "Oh, thank you so much, Uncle. You're really kind. I'll definitely bring my family to support your business."

The owner waved his hand, muttering to himself that this unlucky kid was taking a whole van of seedlings home, and it would be good if she didn't get a beating.

With a foundation for sustainable development, Jiang Muyun finally dared to wholesale ice cream, snacks, and beverages.

Since she had only a small amount of money left, Jiang Muyun had already set aside her living expenses and was willing to spend the rest. She felt that she had become wealthy again.

Most of Jiang Muyun's spending went towards ice cream, and she didn't buy many snacks and drinks.

Because these items were well-packaged and could withstand heavy rain.

Moreover, snacks and drinks were neither filling nor thirst-quenching. After the apocalypse, they wouldn't be the top priority for people's zero-cost shopping. Jiang Muyun didn't find it difficult to store a large quantity later.

After buying snacks, with a little money left, Jiang Muyun bought several large bags of salad dressing, teriyaki sauce, and other sauces in bulk.

She had bought quite a few sauces in West City, but most of them were savory sauces like meat sauce and soybean sauce that were easy to store. Now that she feels like she didn't lack anything, she decided to have some sweet sauces that were not frequently consumed.

After the carefree spending, Jiang Muyun went to the bank and withdrew 10,000 yuan in cash from her living expenses.

In her previous life, the rescue point had heating and charging ports, and her phone was always working fine. All transactions were made through mobile transfers.

However, now she only planned to go to the rescue point during the coldest period. During other times, she would stay at home, so she needed to consider the problem of her phone not being able to turn on at low temperatures.

Having some cash on hand would be convenient for emergencies.

After going out and coming back home, Jiang Muyun became a penniless person once again.

Seeing Little White earnestly eating dinner, oblivious to the hardships of life, Jiang Muyun patted her head to tail and said, "Baby, remember this taste. Whether you can taste it again in the future will depend on your nose."

She didn't have money to stock up on dog food for Little White anymore. If she wanted to eat dog food or canned food in the second half of her life, she would have to rely on herself.

As long as Little White could find her own exclusive food in the ruins, Jiang Muyun didn't mind helping her keep it safe.

Little White lifted her head from the food, tilted her head, looked at her strange owner out of habit, and rubbed Jiang Muyun's palm twice before turning back and continuing her meal.

After being diligent for just one day, Jiang Muyun returned to her retired-like life.

Except when she went out to walk Little White, she stayed at home browsing the internet, and she even had time to organize her mental nourishment.

She stored all the well-reviewed and interesting ones on a dedicated hard drive.

As for the rest that she downloaded just because they were popular, she saved them on another hard drive.

The ones she didn't even bother to look at, she saved separately just for the sake of quantity.

Once the dairy products and eggs she ordered arrived, Jiang Muyun got up from her nest and went out to work.

Jiang Muyun counted the goods as usual, then closed the warehouse door and stored everything in her space.

She noticed that although the milk powder and cheese she ordered were in the largest packaging, she also received many small packaged products.

They were all gifts from the brands, ranging from calcium-rich milk powder for middle-aged and elderly people to infant formula. Most of the products were similar in price to the ones Jiang Muyun purchased, and there were also quite a few high-end products.

So this is what a big brand is like? Jiang Muyun couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Compared to these small gifts, they valued potential customers more. Out of the hundred items given away, if they could open up new sales for a certain product, then it was all worth it.

When she placed an order at the household products factory earlier, they also sent samples of many other products. It amounted to several large boxes, and at that time, Jiang Muyun thought she was just lucky to come across a factory clearing its inventory.

The small-town girl had gained some knowledge and was quite happy, but her wallet balance didn't increase along with it.

Nowadays, Jiang Muyun's daily income is only the interest of around ten yuan generated by her investment in X Treasure.

Today's interest money was exchanged by Jiang Muyun for Takoyaki on her way home.

Even though she had semi-finished products and raw materials for takoyaki in her space, for some reason she felt that the ones bought from the street were more fragrant.

The key to the deliciousness of takoyaki was to have a whole piece in one bite.

With the refreshing cabbage, crispy dough shell, and each ball containing a precious small piece of squid, along with the savory sauce and the dancing bonito flakes, even if Jiang Muyun burned her mouth and sucked in a breath, she would continue to poke the next one.

Enjoying the pleasure of spending money, Jiang Muyun calculated the time in her mind.

Today is September 21st, and there are less than ten days left until the temperature drops.

She wondered if the cold air had appeared by now.

Before entering the subway station, Jiang Muyun finished eating all the takoyaki. She carefully cleaned up the scattered bonito flakes in the box and threw the packaging box into the recycling bin.

Taking advantage of the temperature not dropping yet, Jiang Muyun still had one important task to do.

Before that, she needed to do some mental preparation for herself.


Z's corner:

Oh man, I think I relate to Yunyun the most in this chapter.
Like ice cram! I didn't feel it that much when she bought other stuff but I would definitely hoard ice cream, even if the apocalypse ain't gonna come.
Oh and, retired-like life. MY DREAM LIFEE. Relaxing and enjoying yourself while having the money to do so. 

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