Tuesday, July 11, 2023

NDHSD Chapter 12

Read/NDHSD/Chapter 12

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            ◎ Happy 12th Day: Nature's Porter ◎

When Jiang Muyun returned, it was already dark outside.

She parked the van in the usual spot, sprayed it black as usual, and then found a place to store it in her space while also grabbing some late-night snacks from the roadside.

Because fetching the packages took up a lot of time, and changing the car's appearance on the way delayed her further, it was already ten o'clock when she went upstairs.

Coincidentally, she ran into Qin Shiwu, who was finishing his day shift!

Yesterday afternoon, Jiang Muyun said that she would meet Qin Shiwu today.

Unexpectedly, she didn't make it home by five or six o'clock but managed to go upstairs with Qin Shiwu.

The two of them remained silent all the way until the familiar sound of a "ding" broke the silence, and Jiang Muyun revealed her true nature, "Ge, you're off work quite early."

This time, Qin Shiwu was well prepared, and Jiang Muyun couldn't escape in time. She took a bonk to the head, causing her tremendous pain, and she threatened to ambush Qin Shiwu on his way home from work with a club to teach him a lesson.

Qin Shiwu sneered, "Then you better be careful not to let me catch you."

Jiang Muyun was almost halfway through the doorway when she finally felt at ease to provoke him. "Is it better to be careful not to come home late at night or not to leave early in the morning? Apart from these two time slots, there aren't many moments when I can encounter you, right?"

Without giving Qin Shiwu a chance to retort, Jiang Muyun happily closed the door.

Tomorrow, she would depart for East City, and she was certain that she wouldn't run into Qin Shiwu for the next few days.

She deserves it, her ability to control timing is top-notch.

Jiang Muyun stepped on each foot's heels and successfully took off her shoes.

Putting on slippers and turning on the air conditioner, Jiang Muyun comfortably took a shower, feeling that if her budget allowed, she would like to add a large bathtub to her space.

The size of a swimming pool.

After finishing her shower, Jiang Muyun draped a towel over her shoulders and let her hair air dry naturally, allowing the breeze to do its work.

She took out the ice cream she bought a few days ago from the refrigerator and enjoyed it in one bite, feeling twice as comfortable.

If there was any surplus budget after this trip, she definitely wanted to wholesale another batch of ice cream!

As Jiang Muyun indulged herself, she also clicked around on the mouse, adding more burden to her download list.

During this trip, if everything went smoothly, it would take two days, or three if she took it slow. She couldn't waste the time in between.

The next day, Jiang Muyun packed her glasses, hat, mask, and other accessories into her bag. She also brought several sets of clothes and skirts, leaving home during the early rush hour.

At the staircase, she ran into Qin Shiwen, who had two large dark circles under her eyes and looked exhausted.

Jiang Muyun was puzzled, "What happened to you?"

Qin Shiwen yawned, "Don't mention it. Yesterday, a kid on our team got injured, and I was busy the whole night. Fortunately, the results came out, and the person is fine. Otherwise, I'd have trouble sleeping for three months."

Qin Shiwen herself retired due to injuries, so she is particularly sensitive to injuries.

Jiang Muyun patted her shoulder, "Go back and get some sleep. By the way, do you still have the medicine for your injury?"

Qin Shiwen casually waved her hand, "What medicine? As long as I don't jump around blindly, there won't be any problems. If I start jumping around, medicine won't help."

Jiang Muyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Shiwen had an Achilles tendon injury, and she said that soaking her feet and paying attention to self-care would suffice.

But Jiang Muyun didn't know if there were any specialized medicines to aid in the recovery of athletes like her.

If this injury requires long-term use of some unpopular drugs, it will be really difficult to deal with after the apocalypse.

East City is about 500 kilometers away from South City. If she took the expressway, it would take three to four hours.

The reason Jiang Muyun wants to set aside about three days is that she is not planning to take the expressway.

Not only was she avoiding the expressway, but she wouldn't even take the national highway.

Jiang Muyun filled up the van with gas, randomly entered an old residential area, and got her hair cut at the first barber shop in the alley.

Being tall and dressed in a simple loose white T-shirt and casual pants, with her hair cut and wearing a mask, coupled with her energetic appearance, she looked like a young man at first glance.

Jiang Muyun expressed her satisfaction with the barber's skills. As a handsome male college student, she drove out of the city in a van. Once she turned the steering wheel, she entered the rural road.

This was the route she specially planned for this trip, passing through villages all the way. Whenever she saw someone selling fruits and vegetables, she loaded up the car and stored them in the space, then continued to the next village or town.

Among them, the most she bought were watermelons.

Summer without chilled watermelons is equivalent to winter without roasted sweet potatoes.

Jiang Muyun not only buys fruits and vegetables but also some other small items.

Jiang Muyun bought a backup set of various small grinding machines and huskers.

Jiang Muyun also bought a lot of sesame and peanut crops.

Jiang Muyun also encountered several villagers selling pure grain liquor.

Not only did she buy various types of pure grain liquor that they planned to sell in town, but she also bought several large jars of fermented liquor and received a lot of complimentary yeast.

Jiang Muyun made frequent stops along the way and occasionally asked villagers returning home with loads on their shoulders about any nearby markets.

However, she didn't arrive early enough, and most of the morning markets were already closing. She could only catch the ones in town.

She didn't go to the ones that were too far, but she made a detour to the nearby ones and found many good things.

She even bought a whole carload of seeds at a market that hadn't closed yet.

These were vegetable seeds of various types. Since Jiang Muyun bought a large quantity, the shopkeeper also gave her many well-grown seedlings as a bonus.

Fortunately, the space just couldn't fit living animals, otherwise, Jiang Muyun would be a little bit reluctant to give up these seedlings.

Who told her not to have any planting experience?

Even with a book in her hand, she couldn't guarantee that she could grow food.

With these seedlings, she at least had a foundation for sustainable development.

Around noon, Jiang Muyun met an old man who sold maltose and bought the whole pot of maltose.

But after Jiang Muyun paid the money, she realized she didn't have any containers to hold it.

Both of them stared at each other in surprise, and the old man didn't have a container that big either.

After looking at the old man's stove and pot for a while, Jiang Muyun decided to take the stove and pot together.

This type of stove was particularly useful in winter, whether for heating or cooking.

However, it was impossible to start a fire for heating or cooking in the city. Jiang Muyun didn't dare to stand out too much. Apart from the camping stove she could bring out, she only had a few small coal stoves she bought at the grocery store.

Her small coal stoves were shiny and couldn't be explained why they were new in front of others.

Now that she had an old and weathered stove, she could take it out and use it in front of people, saying that it was bought by her grandfather, which was quite reasonable.

The old man probably had never seen such an outrageous customer before, but seeing that Jiang Muyun paid generously, he happily sold it to her.

The money Jiang Muyun gave him was enough for him to buy three sets of new equipment.

The old man not only sold the stove but also kindly put out the fire in the stove for her and demonstrated how to clean the ashes.

Jiang Muyun happily took the things and as soon as she drove about two kilometers, everything was stored in her space.

There was no other way. The rural roads were really bumpy, and if she didn't store them in the space, she would probably have to feed the van with maltose.

At the peak of noon, Jiang Muyun finally arrived at her first destination of this trip—the Valley Reservoir.

It was said to be the water source for a well-known mineral water brand, with high water quality and a large water volume. It was the best place to get free water in a secluded corner.

Jiang Muyun avoided several popular tourist spots and went wherever it was remote.

When she reached a point where the van couldn't go any further, she parked and continued on foot.

She walked until she found a secluded and deserted place. Jiang Muyun stopped, squatted by the water's edge, immersed her hand in the water, and began her first experience of zero-cost acquisition.

If there was someone else present, they would have noticed Jiang Muyun squatting there, fiddling with the water for half an hour.

After half an hour, Jiang Muyun felt a bit dizzy.

She wasn't sure how much water she had collected, but looking at the area in her space where she stored the water, she had a faint feeling that she had reached the limit of her space.

Looking over, Jiang Muyun felt that the amount of water she had stored was no less than that of a small lake.

Jiang Muyun glanced down and wondered if it was her imagination, but the water level of the reservoir didn't seem to have moved at all.

It's unbelievable to think that such a large reservoir could dry up completely in just a year.

Jiang Muyun stored enough water for her future needs, squeezed in some soil, and finally leaned back in the van, eating a piece of bread for lunch, and reclined the backrest for a while.

When she felt she had recovered, she continued driving towards her final destination for this trip, East City’s Port.


Z's corner:

Welp Shubaow is till down (;-д- )=3 I'd need to put NDHSD on hiatus until I get another source for raws.

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Table of Contents




  1. Love this novel so far! Must be because of my shopaholic tendencies 😅

    1. You'd probably like the latter chapters more. You know, shopping without worrying about money hehe
